You have the right to remain silent and the right to speak with an attorney during any part of legal proceedings. Always exercise your rights by having your criminal defense lawyer’s
phone number on hand at all times.
There are endless possibilities and situations that could lead to an arrest, especially among loved ones and family members. However unjust the arrest may have been, the crime may not have been your fault or you were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Calling an attorney before your legal troubles begin is the only course of action that will guarantee you the fullest protection under the law. If you find yourself in any of the scenarios below, you should immediately call your attorney to brief them on the situation and receive prompt legal advice:
Parents of Teens
Being the parent of a teenager is no easy task, especially if you consider the thousands of juvenile arrests that are made every day. Some estimates even show that as much as 30% of young adults will be arrested at least once by age 23. That’s a huge headache and a major concern for many parents who know that their child could easily be swept up with charges like: minor in possession of alcohol, underage consumption, marijuana possession, or vandalism. If you receive a phone call from your teenager while they are being detained by law enforcement, call your attorney immediately.
Going Through a Divorce
Unfortunately, divorces can tear the fabric of a family apart. Arguments about money, custody, or other issues can sometimes spiral out of control into domestic violence or substance abuse. If your spouse or former spouse is acting strange or aggressive, then you should speak with your lawyer before law enforcement is called – giving them your full side of the story.
Traffic Stops and Searches
You were just pulled over for a traffic violation and a law enforcement officer is now asking to search your vehicle. This is a common scenario where one too many drivers are duped in giving consent for a vehicle search. You do NOT have to consent to a search unless the officer shows a valid warrant. When the officer asks if they can search your car, politely decline and ask if you can speak with your attorney.
Plea Bargains
In the middle of a trial or criminal investigation, the prosecution may offer a plea bargain to reduce your sentencing. Of course, a plea bargain will often require you to testify in other cases the state has pending. Essentially, you help the prosecution secure convictions in other cases to reduce your own sentence. When your lawyer is offered a plea bargain, it is necessary that they inform you immediately. Call your lawyer to discuss these options or find out if the prosecution has made any new offers.
Getting a Call from Law Enforcement
A detective from local law enforcement calls, asking about your whereabouts or activities on a certain day. No matter how nice the officer may seem on the phone, they are seeking a confession or trying to gather information that could lead to your arrest. If you receive a phone call from the police, refrain from any conversation and simply state that you would like to speak with your attorney before further questioning.
Physical or Verbal Altercations
From sporting events to shopping malls, sometimes a simple disagreement might lead to a physical or verbal altercation. Either party could be slammed with battery and assault charges for even a minor mishap. If you’ve been arrested or have time to speak with your attorney before law enforcement arrives, call immediately to discuss your rights.
Submitting Legal Materials
As part of your court-ordered sentencing, you may have to submit the results of drug tests, online assessments, community service confirmations, and other legal documents to the court or probation officer. A criminal defense attorney can give you advice on how to complete these requirements and submit them online.
Checking Your Criminal Background
Applying for a new job and not sure if a previous arrest is visible on your criminal history? While the Internet makes it difficult to cover your tracks completely, your criminal defense attorney can check a wide range a public records. If a prior arrest should have been expunged with pre-trial diversion, then your lawyer needs to work with the court system to resolve the issue immediately.
© 2025 The Law Office of Samad K. Mubeen LLC