We Are The DUI Specialists!
If you have been arrested for a
DUI , call us immediately to find our your rights! Get a FREE Consultation and discuss your options.
Auburn DUI Lawyers!
Protect your freedom. Our expert attorneys have been providing affordable and
dependable DUI defense in Atlanta since 1989.
Employment Discrimination
If you have been harassed, subjected to discrimination in the workplace, or have been terminated from your job you need relief.
You were just arrested for a DUI in Auburn, Georgia. So what do you do now. Most Google the term Auburn DUI Lawyer and select one of the listing near the top of the page. This ranking is not about their effectiveness or competence as a DUI lawyer but just mean they most likely appeared in a paid Google Ad. Who you hire as your DUI attorney can effect the rest of your life.
You need an experienced DUI lawyer that has been time tested and has proven to get the best possible results for their clients in cases they have acted as the DUI defense attorney.
Samad K. Mubeen is one such lawyer. A proven DUI lawyer that understands that each case is different and look for the best possible legal strategies to employ for his client's interest.
Each situation is different. Perhaps arguing for the entire case to be dismissed may be the best viable option and other situations is perhaps due to an overabundance of evidence and past history the best course may be to argue for a lesser sentence. But never take a cookie cutter approach to any DUI charge.
When one is charged with a DUI, many people will come asking and demand money from you. May be your insurance company, perhaps repaying damage your caused, the court system and maybe the most painful paying exorbitant attorney fees. Not with us! Our firm is recognized as having some of the best rates for a DUI defense in Auburn. Call today for a quick quote and compare us to others. So with The Law Office of Samad K. Mubeen you are getting an affordable DUI Lawyer that is experienced and been successful in handling over 1000 DUI cases.
You must request a special hearing within 30 Days of the date of an arrest for DUI or you will automatically lose your driver’s license.
© 2025 The Law Office of Samad K. Mubeen LLC