We Are The DUI Specialists!
If you have been arrested for a DUI, call us immediately to find our your rights! Get a FREE Consultation and discuss your options.
Marietta DUI Lawyers!
Protect your freedom. Our expert attorneys have been providing affordable and dependable DUI defense in Atlanta since 1989.
Employment Discrimination
If you have been harassed, subjected to discrimination in the workplace, or have been terminated from your job you need relief.
When you've been convicted of a DUI, you need a knowledgeable and experienced Marietta DUI Lawyer. The Law Office of Samad K. Mubeen, LLC offers a strong defense and is ready to help you get the best possible outcome. Our professional legal defense specializes in Marietta DUIs and drunk driving, and these services are provided at an affordable price.
The lawyers at our Marietta DUI firm always put clients first, and we treat you like we would like to be treated ourselves. This means you receive respect, dignity, and hours of countless work fighting for your case. We will investigate all aspects of your situation and make sure you completely understand all options available. When it comes to making an important decision, we will discuss the pros and cons to develop the best strategy for success.
A DUI or drunk driving conviction affects many different aspects of your life. You may lose your job, be required to pay fines or asked to complete community service hours. The financial and emotional burdens are too hard to fight alone. This is why you need a trusted Marietta DUI attorney on your side. The Law Office of Samad K. Mubeen is prepared to walk you through the process, helping create the best outcome possible for your case. Call to talk to one of our Marietta DUI Defense Lawyers today.
You must request a special hearing within 30 Days of the date of an arrest for DUI or you will automatically lose your driver’s license.
© 2025 The Law Office of Samad K. Mubeen LLC